Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Top 5 Things Your New Band Needs To Do

1. Pracitce- Well this goes without saying, but if you are going to be playing some music, practice. Practice should be one or two times a week. if you band needs more then that to get some songs together; you are not good enough.
2. Record- Before you can get your first gig you need to get a few songs recorded. Three to five songs would be the perfect amount. They do not need to be done in a pro studio but you should also not be using your 1982 fisher price mic into a Boom Box. You can do some fine recordings with some cheap gear.
3. Website- You should get a yourbandname.com. If that name is not available, then maybe you should change your name because I would bet that some other band is using it. You can register and set up the website via Godaddy.com. if you don't know how to code a website, have the link point to a Myspace page. Your band should have a myspace page anyways.
4. Promote- once you get a show make sure you promote that show. You should make sure it is advertised on any and all websites you can update with the information. Most local papers have an online form for submitted events. You can also contact their "Arts" department and ask for a full story. You would be surprised how many local papers are dying to write a full length article about your band.
5. Gear- Everyone in your band should have decent gear. Does it need to be top of the line? NO! but it does need to be reliable. It may be time for an upgrade if a band memeber has a 1997 squire strat with original strings plugged into a small practice amp.

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